『12th Japan small Dragon Boat Championship 2024』


Qualifying race for small dragon boat in 17th International Dragon Boat Championship

Organized by the Shiga Dragon Boat Association in collaboration with the Japan Dragon Boat Asoociation
Co-organized by Japan Dragon Boat Association
Managed by Japan Dragon Boat Association and Shiga Dragon Boat Association

Related Documents

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Date: Sunday, September 29th, 2024

(Rain or Shine, except stormy weather or COVID19)
8:00 a.m Registration starts
8:30 a.m Opening Ceremony
4:30 p.m Award Ceremony

Venue: Biwako(Lake Biwa) `BOAT RACE BIWAKO`(Boat Race Stadium)

(Address: 1-1, Chagasaki, Otsu city, Shiga prefecture)
Access to the venue: Otsukyo station, two station from JR Kyoto station on JR Kosei line (or Otsu station of JR Tokai line)

Race Distance: 250m (specially arranged straight course in the Boat Race Stadium).

Race Category: Small boat only.

Championship race (2nd Dragon boat Kansai Masters Games 2024)

1) Open (250 meters) 20 teams (tournament)
2) Mixed (250 meters) 20 teams: Small Boat Combination – minimum of four (4) and a
maximum of five (5) paddlers of either gender. Drummer and helm can be of either
gender (tournament).
3) Women`s (250 meters) 5 teams (a male drummer and a steerer/helm are allowed)
(toal time of 2 races)
4) Senior (250 meters) 5 teams (crews to be of/over 40 years old) (total time of 2 races)
(The Promotional races by 10 local teams are also held)

*Only domestic top teams go to the Championship final race; this is the Japan championship
race to qualify the Japaneses teams for 17th IDBF World Championship 2025.
*The top international teams from the semi-final races go to the international friedship final
race with top domestic teams.

Minimum number of teams for each event: 2 teams. The entry will be closed when the
number of teams have come to the capacity of each category.

Double entry with other categories is permitted at your own risk.

Age restriction (Age category): 15/over 15 years old as of January 1st, 2024.

Also, the doctor`s permissions beforehand are necessary for those with health concerns.
Those who wear pace-makers are not permitted to participate in the race.
All participating crews must wear floating vest during the races.

Team Composition:

Small Boat (DB12): 15 members: 1 team manager, 10 paddlers, 1 steerer, 1 drummer, and 2 reserves. Minimum 8 paddlers.
(The number of paddlers might be reduced in case of bad weather condition.)
Upon requested by the team(s), the organizer can send a steerer/helm in case you need.

Competition Regulations and Rules of Racing:

The race will be conducted in accordance with the IDBF Competition Regulations & Rules of Racing.


1) Dragon Boat: IDBF authorized Champion Small boat
2) Paddles: Paddlers may use their own paddles with a sticker of IDBF specification (202a) on
it. Wooden paddles will be provided by the Organizing Committee upon request by the
paddler or a team.
3) All crew must wear floating vest (FD) during the races, from the view point of safety. They
may use their own floating vest with buoyancy of more than 7kg. Floating vests are
prepared by the Organizing Committee at the race site (JPY 500. – for rental).

Entry Condition:

1) All teams are requested to obtain endorsement form the IDBF recognized Federation/
Association of their own country/region (if necessary, please ask the contact person.)
2) Insurance: All teams are requested to have Accident Insurance. The competition is
insured by the Organizing Committee.
3) Visa: In case you need a support to obatin visa after making enrty, please contact the
Organizing Committee.

Practice Session:

There is no practice session before the race due to the condition of the venue.

Entry Fee: JPY 60,000.- (including lunch boxes for international teams)

Method of payment: please pay the amount with rental fee for floating vests.
1) You can pay before the race by cash at the desk in the race site.
2) Please deposit to the following bank account:
Name of the bank: The Shiga Bank, Ltd.,
Name of the branch: Ogiogoto agency Branch No.176
Account No.: 220442
Type of account: ordinary account
Account Name: “Ippanshadanhojin Shigaken DragonBoat Kyokai”
By August 31, 2024
Please be sure that your entry is to be completed by the payment of your participation fee.

Deadline for entry: August 31st, 2024 (with the application form including a team photo and a team introduction)

The deadline for the member list: September 10th, 2024

Arrangement by the Organizing Committee

1) Lunch box will be provided to the international teams from abroad.
2) Water supply (bottles of water) will be provided.

Team Managers’ Meeting:

Team managers’ meeting is scheduled ON LINE at 3:00p.m. on Saturday, August 28th, 2024 in JAPANESE. If you want to join, please let us know.
For the international teams a brief information from the meeting will be distributed before the race.

Special Attention:

Alcohol is strictly prohibited during the race. Teams violoated this rule will be disqualified. All trash/rubbish/garbage MUST BE disposed in the certain garbage places.

Contact Information:

Shiga Dragon Boat Association

5-265-1, Ogoto, Otsu city, Shiga Prefecture, 520-0101, Japan
TEL: +81-77-579-7111, FAX: +81-77-579-8135
SDBA: 滋賀県ドラゴンボート協会 (shigadragonboat.com)

Japan Dragon Boat Association

2-1-57, Minatomachi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka 556-8663, Japan
TEL: +81-6-6633-5833, FAX: +81-6-6633-5695
JDBA: 一般社団法人日本ドラゴンボート協会 JDBA | ドラゴンボート競技の統括・国内競技連盟 (jdba-dragonboat.com)

Contact Person

Hidenobu Yamawaki
Secretary-general of Shiga Dragon Boat Association
Email: h-yamawaki@o-pal.com

Yuka Matsuo,
International Relations,
Japan Dragon Boat Association
Email: teresitayukadran@gmail.com